While the country was experiencing the biggest health crisis in a century, Bolsonaro passes the “steer” on migration policies, with help from the military.
Authors: Alexandre Branco Pereira, Karina Quintanilha
Originally published in portuguese (23/07/2021), The Intercept Brazil: https://theintercept.com/2021/07/23/deportacao-trabalho-escravo-governo-exercito-migrantes-desastre-humanitario/
There are still people who believe in the fable of Brazil as a country that welcomes immigrants. If it is true that the country has a long tradition of selective policies of welcoming white migration, which vary according to the political-economic interests of each era, the current crisis has made clear the close relationship of migration policy to the modus operandis of State racism. Inherited from a slave-owning and colonial regime, it constitutes the identity of a country built on the extermination of black and indigenous populations.
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